Introduction Link to heading
Typeclass derivation is a way to automatically generate typeclass instances for a typeclass provided some initial conditions are satisfied. It is a very useful mechanism which cuts down on a lot of boilerplate and makes it very enticing for users of your typeclass. We will be demonstrating how to do typeclass derivation with a library called Magnolia written by the amazing Jon Pretty. Jon has done an immense amount of good supporting the Scala community, so I highly suggest checking out his website, and the other libraries he has written.
What are typeclasses Link to heading
Typeclasses are a construct used to implement ad-hoc polymorphism. This is achieved by adding a constraint/capability to type variables (used in parametric polymorphism). Technically, typeclasses also come with a set of laws baked in but for the purposes of this blog post, we will ignore this. If you want to learn more, I strongly suggest you to have a look at zio-prelude and discipline. All of this sounds abstract, so let’s have a look at an example:
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
This is an example of a typeclass named Show
. It is a typeclass for simple types (like Int
, String
, List[A]
There are also typeclasses for type-constructors (like List
, Option
- notice I said List
and not List[A]
) for
example, Monad
and Functor
but that is a topic for another blog post. Back to Show
, this typeclass adds a
capability to render values of a type that implements this typeclass to be turned into String
s. So how does one
implement an instance for this typeclass? Let’s have a look:
object Show {
// typeclass instances
implicit val showString: Show[String] = new Show[A] {
def show(a: String): String = a
// single abstract method syntax to minimize boilerplate
implicit val showInt: Show[Int] = (a: Int) => a.toString
implicit val showLong: Show[Long] = (a: Long) => a.toString
// ...
Here we have defined some typeclass instances for the types String
, Int
and Long
. We have purposely placed these
typeclass instances in the companion object for Show
so the implicit resolution mechanism that Scala 2 uses to emulate
typeclasses will easily be able to find these instances without any additional imports. Here’s how we can use this:
// context bound
def render[A: Show](a: A): String = implicitly[Show[A]].show(a)
// alternative
def render2[A](a: A)(implicit evidence: Show[A]): String =
// Usage
So we have an idea of the basics of what typeclasses are, how to define them, how to write instances for them and how to
use them. Now, let’s look at using the typeclasses we have created from a user’s perspective. This means that someone
is using the typeclasses we have written and does not have the ability to modify the companion object of Show
wants to add the show
ability to some of their own custom data types (for example, their own case classes (products)
and sealed trait hierarchies (co-products)). Let’s say the user wants to add the Show
capability to the following
// co-product
sealed trait Country
object Country {
case object Canada extends Country
case object USA extends Country
final case class Other(name: String) extends Country
// product
final case class User(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int
What they would go about doing is manually implementing Show
instances for each of these data-types:
object Country {
// ...
implicit val showCountry: Show[Country] = {
case Country.Canada => s"Canada"
case Country.USA => s"USA"
case Country.Other(name) => name
object User {
// ...
implicit val showUser: Show[User] = { user =>
s"User(firstName=${user.firstName}, lastName=${user.lastName}, age=${user.age}"
This does not seem too bad, but it can get very repetitive. It also feels like a very mechanical process. You may think that this is not so bad, however, if you have multiple typeclasses that your data-types need to implement and multiple data-types then expect to be writing a lot of this repetitive (and error-prone) code.
What if you did not have to write any of this code by hand and instead let the compiler do it for you? This is what typeclass derivation is: given a set of building blocks, the compiler (along with some help) can figure out how to automatically derive/generate these typeclass instances for you. This is where Magnolia comes into play. Concretely, Magnolia is a macro that generates typeclass instances for datatypes composed from case classes (products) and sealed traits (coproducts). It supports recursively-defined datatypes out-of-the-box, and most importantly incurs no significant time-penalty during compilation.
Note that there are other ways to do typeclass derivation in Scala (i.e. Shapeless) but alternative approaches require you to write a lot more low-level code or require a dramatic increase in compile-time. I personally feel that Magnolia is currently the best solution out there for Scala 2 when it comes to solving the typeclass derivation problem.
So let’s take a look at what is needed for typeclass derivation using Magnolia. Here is our typeclass from before with some typeclass instances which will function as our building blocks:
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
object Show {
implicit val showString: Show[String] = identity[String]
implicit val showInt: Show[Int] = (a: Int) => a.toString
implicit val showLong: Show[Long] = (a: Long) => a.toString
Now let’s talk about Magnolia. First off, if you are using sbt
, you will need to add the following imports to your
libraryDependencies += "com.propensive" %% "magnolia" % "0.17.0" // at the time
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value % Provided
To add support for typeclass derivation to your typeclass, Magnolia requires you to fill in the following pattern:
import magnolia._
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object YourTypeclassCompanionObject {
type Typeclass[T] = ???
// for products (case classes)
def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ???
// for co-products (sealed trait hiearchies)
def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ???
implicit def gen[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T]
The Magnolia macro will use combine
and dispatch
to automatically derive typeclass instances for your case classes
and sealed traits so you don’t have to write any typeclass instances for your data-types with a small caveat. Your case
classes and sealed traits must be comprised of the building blocks (i.e. the typeclass instances that you provided). In
the case of Show, we are allowed to build case classes consisting of String
s, Int
s and Long
s but not Boolean
since we never bothered to implement a typeclass instance for those. In addition, you can have case classes or sealed trait
hierarchies consisting of other case classes and other sealed trait hierarchies but in the end the leaves must consist
of the types that you have provided typeclass instances for. As an example, Magnolia would happily derive the typeclass
instance for this sealed trait hierarchy:
sealed trait Country
object Country {
final case object Canada extends Country
final case object USA extends Country
final case class Other(name: String) extends Country
Now, lets walk through the CaseClass
and SealedTrait
data-types and see how they will assist us in automatic
derivation for Show
Automatically deriving case classes and case objects Link to heading
// NOTE: The following are approximations taken from Magnolia sources to help assist in understanding the abstraction
trait Param[Typeclass[_], DataType] {
* For example, DataType = case class User(name: String, age: Int)
* ParameterType(s) would be name: String and age: Int
type ParameterType
/** the name of the parameter */
def label: String
/** the position of the parameter (in the above example name would be index 0 and age would be index 1 */
def index: Int
/** tells you if the parameter is varargs */
def repeated: Boolean
/** typeclass associated with this particular parameter */
def typeclass: Typeclass[ParameterType]
* Access the value of the parameter. For example:
* given a User("Calvin", 29), if our ParameterType was name, then
* deference(User("Calvin", 29)) would give us the value of name which is "Calvin"
def dereference(param: DataType): ParameterType
// ...
// Tells you the name of the case class
final case class TypeName(owner: String, short: String /** ... */)
trait CaseClass[Typeclass[_], DataType] {
def parameters: Seq[Param[Typeclass, DataType]]
def typeName: TypeName
def isObject: Boolean
def isValueClass: Boolean
// ...
As you can probably imagine, we will be iterating over each parameter in the case class and using a combination of
, dereference
, possibly using label
and typeName
along the way in order to help us achieve automatic
derivation for any case class. Let’s see an example of how to implement combine
for Show
which will provide us with
automatic typeclass derivation for any case class.
import magnolia._
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object Show {
type Typeclass[T] = Show[T]
// for products (case classes)
def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { in: T =>
if (caseClass.isObject) caseClass.typeName.short
else { each =>
val label = each.label
val showInstance = each.typeclass
val paramValue = each.dereference(in)
val rendered =
}.mkString(start = s"${caseClass.typeName.short}(", sep = ", ", end = ")")
implicit def gen[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T]
// ...
The code above, will be invoked if you ask for a Show
instance for any case class. First we check if we have a case
class, or a case object and if we have a case object we just spit out the short name (caseClass.typeName.short
) as the
result. Otherwise, we are looking at a case class. In this case we iterate over every parameter of the case class and
extract the name of the parameter, the Show
typeclass instance that is associated with each parameter and the value
of the parameter. We invoke the typeclass for each parameter on the parameter’s value to get out a String. And we show
it as the parameter name = parameter rendered value. Finally we add the short name of the case class and wrap it all up.
So for example if you had a case class User(name: String, age: Int)
and an instance like User("bob", 30)
you can
expect the output to be "User(name=bob, age=30)
. Usage looks like this:
final case class User(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int
def render[A](a: A)(implicit evidence: Show[A]): String =
render(User("Bob", "Builder", 30))
// "User(firstName=Bob, lastName=Builder, age=30)"
Automatically deriving sealed trait hierarchies Link to heading
Now lets take a look at SealedTrait
to see how it can help us do automatic typeclass derivation for sealed trait
// NOTE: The following are approximations taken from Magnolia sources to help assist in understanding the abstraction
trait SealedTrait[Typeclass[_], DataType] {
def typeName: TypeName // same as CaseClass
/** A list of all the subtypes of the sealed trait hierarchy */
def subTypes: Seq[Subtype[Typeclass, Type]]
/** convenience method for delegating typeclass application to the typeclass corresponding to the
* subtype of the sealed trait which matches the type of the `value`
* @tparam Return the return type of the lambda, which should be inferred
* @param value the instance of the generic type whose value should be used to match on a
* particular subtype of the sealed trait
* @param handle lambda for applying the value to the typeclass for the particular subtype which
* matches
* @return the result of applying the `handle` lambda to subtype of the sealed trait which
* matches the parameter `value` */
def dispatch[Return](value: Type)(handle: Subtype[Typeclass, Type] => Return): Return
// ...
trait Subtype[Typeclass[_], Type] {
/** the type of subtype
* For example
* sealed trait Country // this would be Type
* object Country {
* case object Canada extends Country // SType
* case object USA extends Country // SType as well
* case class Other(name: String) extends Country // SType as well
* }
type SType <: Type
/** the [[TypeName]] of the subtype
* This is the full name information for the type of subclass. */
def typeName: TypeName
def index: Int
/** the typeclass instance associated with this subtype
* This is the instance of the type `Typeclass[SType]` which will have been discovered by
* implicit search, or derived by Magnolia. */
def typeclass: Typeclass[SType]
/** partial function defined the subset of values of `Type` which have the type of this subtype */
def cast: PartialFunction[Type, SType]
// ...
The SealedTrait
offers similar capabilities as CaseClass
so you would use typeclass
and cast
to get
the associated type class of the subtype, and the value of the subtype, and finally dispatch
to bring it all together.
Let’s look at implementing dispatch
for Show
object Show {
// ...
// derivation for sealed traits and their inhabitants (coproducts)
def dispatch[A](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, A]): Typeclass[A] = { a: A =>
sealedTrait.dispatch(a) { eachSubtype =>
val showInstance = eachSubtype.typeclass
val value = eachSubtype.cast(a)
So we use SealedTrait
s dispatch
to iterate over all the subtypes of the sealed trait. For each subtype, we extract
the typeclass instance associated with the subtype, and the value associated with each subtype, and with this, we have
all the pieces to render the subtype’s value. This allows us to automatically derive Show
typeclass instance for any
sealed trait hierarchy:
sealed trait Country
object Country {
case object Canada extends Country
case object USA extends Country
final case class Other(name: String) extends Country
def render[A](a: A)(implicit evidence: Show[A]): String =
// "Canada"
// "Other(name=Germany)"
Conclusion Link to heading
Putting everything together, we have the following typeclass definition along with the automatic derivation mechanism:
// Typeclass
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
object Show {
// typeclass instances
implicit val showString: Show[String] = identity[String]
implicit val showInt: Show[Int] = (a: Int) => a.toString
implicit val showLong: Show[Long] = (a: Long) => a.toString
// Magnolia
type Typeclass[T] = Show[T]
// for products (case classes)
def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { in: T =>
if (caseClass.isObject) caseClass.typeName.short
else { each =>
val label = each.label
val showInstance = each.typeclass
val paramValue = each.dereference(in)
val rendered =
}.mkString(start = s"${caseClass.typeName.short}(", sep = ", ", end = ")")
// for co-products (sealed trait hierarchy)
def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { in: T =>
sealedTrait.dispatch(in) { eachSubtype =>
val showInstance = eachSubtype.typeclass
val value = eachSubtype.cast(in)
implicit def gen[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T]
object Usage {
// Product
final case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int)
// Coproduct
sealed trait Country
object Country {
final case object Canada extends Country
final case object USA extends Country
final case class Other(name: String) extends Country
def render[A](a: A)(implicit evidence: Show[A]): String =
val calvin: User = User("Calvin", "Fernandes", 29)
val can: Country = Country.Canada
println(render(calvin)) // User(firstName=Calvin, lastName=Fernandes, age=29)
println(render(can)) // Canada
We have just shown the process of automatic derivation of a contravariant typeclass. Now, users of this library can
simply go ahead and start writing down their own custom types (provided they are backed by String
, Int
and Long
and will now automatically be able to have Show instances.